English Below.
LiLo Coffee Factoryでは、コーヒー競技大会の審査員も務めるヘッドロースターの中村圭太がコーヒー豆の焙煎・クオリティチェックを行っています。
At LiLo Coffee Factory, our head roaster, Keita Nakamura, who also serves as a judge at coffee competitions, oversees the roasting and quality checks of our coffee beans.
The factory is equipped with the latest hot-air roasting machine, Loring, and a drip machine using NASA technology, along with other equipment to maintain and manage the high quality of our coffee.
The state of the beans and external environmental factors can affect the roasting process each time. By not relying solely on artisanal techniques based on intuition but also referencing accumulated data analysis, we have developed roasting profiles that consistently maximize the potential of the beans. Keita Nakamura's extensive knowledge and experience, combined with cutting-edge technology, allow us to focus on "First Impact," "Bean Potential," and "Sweetness" in our roasting process.
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