English Below.
2019年からミャンマーのGenius Coffeeと一緒に、コーヒー農園の運営を始めました。現地の生産者と協力しながらジューシーな味わいの品種を新たに植封し、実験的な生産プロセスを試すための施設を建築しました。コーヒー豆の生産量と品質をともに向上させることで、もっとおもしろいコーヒー生産に挑戦することができます。
To create exciting coffee, we also engage in projects that involve the cultivation and production processes of green beans.
Since 2019, we have been collaborating with Genius Coffee in Myanmar to operate a coffee farm. Working with local producers, we planted new juicy varieties and built facilities to experiment with innovative production processes.
By improving both the production volume and quality of coffee beans, we can take on more interesting coffee production challenges. When we invited the representative of the producers to our store to interact with our customers, everyone was thrilled to hear their aspiration: "We want to create floral coffee in Myanmar!" This shared enthusiasm was infectious. By bringing together producers, roasters, and consumers- people who usually engage with coffee from different perspectives —to discuss the future of coffee from a common viewpoint, we can make coffee more enjoyable for everyone involved.
Next: "Four Playgrounds"