English Below.
2014年、堀田が美容室を構えるビルの一階に、「LiLo Coffee Roasters」をオープン。カラフルでインパクト溢れるコーヒーの美味しさと圧倒的なコーヒー豆のラインナップ、膨大な知識量を備えつつも気取らないケイタの親しみやすさがお客様を惹きつけ、瞬く間に来客の絶えない人気店へと成長することができました。
同じミッションをもつ仲間が増えるにしたがって取り組めることも徐々に大きくなり、2018年に2店舗目となる「リロ珈琲喫茶」がひっそりとオープン。創業46年の喫茶店を引き継ぐ形でスタートしたこの店舗では、時間を忘れてしまうような純喫茶の空間でしっとりとコーヒーの奥深さを感じる体験を提供。LiLo Coffee Roastersで感じられるワクワクとは異なる角度からコーヒーの魅力に虜になるファンが続出し、多くのお客様から愛される行列必須のお店となっています。
さらに2020年には3店舗目となる「LiLo Coffee Factory」をオープンし、最新式の焙煎機 LoringとNASAの技術が用いられた全自動ドリップマシンを導入することで、最高品質のコーヒーを生み出す環境が完成しました。

▼How coffee can make people's lives fun and interesting.
The history of LiLo Coffee began with two classmates from high school, Hotta and Keita. Keita, who wants to make the most delicious coffee, and Hotta, who wants to spread Keita's coffee to many people, have created their unique vision of LiLo Coffee by inviting Yoshi Nakatani as a designer to join them and concentrating on their own fields of expertise.
“Enjoyment", "Diversity" and "Connection of people" are three things that we regard as important to us, and they have never changed since the founding of LiLo Coffee. Our mission is not only to tell people about how coffee is amazing, but also how coffee can make people's lives fun and interesting. Even now, we keep challenging and evolving with our wide fields of view making the most of our backgrounds as an entrant from different industries to coffee's, with our curious and excited hearts.
In 2014, Hotta opened "LiLo Coffee Roasters" on the ground floor of the same building where he has his own hair salon. The taste of their colorful and impactful coffee, spectacular line up of coffee beans, and Keita's extensive knowledge and open-minded character have attracted customers. We soon grew to a popular store.
As more team members who aim the same have been joining us, it became possible for us to work on bigger things. Then we succeeded to quietly open "LiLo Coffee Kissa" as our second branch in 2018. The store, which used to be a cafe that had been run for 46 years by the previous owner, was taken over using our concept. Customers can experience the depth of coffee in our antique and quiet store which makes you forget the time. We have gained fans who were attracted by the excitement of different perspectives from LiLo Coffee Roasters, and now the store is popular with many fans visiting us.
Furthermore, we opened "LiLo Coffee Factory" as our third branch in 2020, by introducing the modern roasting machine Loring and a fully automatic drip machine with NASA technology applied, completing the environment to create the best quality coffee.
At the same time as we have been running these 3 stores, we also have been updating our online shop. Now we have prepared the environment to create the best quality of coffee, the baristas who serve exciting coffee experiences and the online shop that spreads our colorful coffee around the world. These elements produce a synergistic effect, which helps the circle of LiLo's community to be getting wider and wider not only in Japan but also overseas.