だからこそ、今年はこの時期だからこそのチャレンジ。周年ということもあり、華やかなブレンドばかりズラっと並ぶのが今のLiLoスタイル。ゲイシャブレンドやTHIS IS OSAKAブレンドなどなど、とにかく明るいお祭り感でいっぱい。さながらそれは華やかな花火の様で、眩しいコーヒーです。だからこそ、この星華ブレンドが映えるんです。コンセプトもまさにそうで、暗い中にパンッと一瞬の輝きを放つ花火達の中、どっしりとしたこのコーヒーが際立つし、このコーヒー自身も花火だという側面も見えてくる。
First and foremost, I absolutely wanted to create a dark roast blend for August. In the past, we've always made light, refreshing blends during this time of year, often with a yellowish hue, because that just feels right for the season—spot on, really.
But this year, I wanted to take on a challenge that fits this particular season. Given that it's also our anniversary, LiLo's current style is to offer an array of bright, festive blends. Think of the Geisha Blend or the THIS IS OSAKA Blend—everything is bursting with a vibrant, celebratory feel. It's like a dazzling display of fireworks, with each coffee shining brightly. And that's exactly why this Seika Blend stands out.
The concept aligns perfectly—amidst the bright bursts of fireworks, this bold coffee holds its own, yet it also has its own firework-like brilliance. It's a new perspective that might make you realize that a blend like this could be just perfect for summer. I want to keep surprising you. This blend reveals different facets with each sip, making it a perfect companion for the summer of 2024. Please enjoy it to the fullest.