English Below.
LiLo Coffee Roasters では、コーヒーの持つ可能性があなたの中で拡がる感覚を必ず味わえるでしょう。リロの焙煎を一手に担うケイタもカウンターに立つこちらの店舗では、浅煎りから深煎りまで常時 20 種類以上の個性豊かなコーヒー豆を取り揃えています。
親しみやすい空気感とバリスタの豊富な知識量に裏付けられたカウンセリングによって、国内外問わず多くの方が訪れる人気店になりました。クチコミサイトで大阪1位、Google では 1000件を超える高評価レビュー数、海外メディアでは The NewYork Times にも掲載されるなど、ありがたいことに各方面で好評価をいただいています。
コーヒーの淹れ方の相談や常連様の世間話が常に行き交う賑やかな LCR では、今日もたくさんの方が一杯のコーヒーの中に自分らしい「好き」を見つけ、新たな可能性にワクワクしていることでしょう。

▼Let’s find out what you “like” in a cup of coffee, and be excited for new possibilities.
At LiLo Coffee Roasters, you will definitely feel the possibility of coffee expanding in your mind. This store is where our head roaster Keita stands behind the counter and always has over twenty kinds of coffee beans with great characters from light to dark roasted. Professional baristas customize brewing recipes one by one from a wide range of lineups, to extract the best coffee for each customer. If someone cannot decide their coffee, our baristas will find out what would perfectly fit them from the conversation, so that they can find the “like” for coffee that they haven't realized. This makes many people say, “I have fallen in love with coffee since I had one at LiLo! ”
Because of our nice and warm atmosphere and the knowledgeable baristas, now a lot of people come to visit us from all over the world . Thankfully, we have had many reviews in various media, including a review website on which we have been given the BEST of Osaka. There are 1000+ highly rated reviews on Google, and The New York Times posted us in their article. Many people are finding their own "like" in a cup of coffee and being excited about the possibility at LiLo Coffee Roasters, where there is always lively like you can hear telling about coffee and regulars' chats and laughs.