English Below.
2020 年4月にオープンした LiLo Coffee Factoryでは、Japan Hand Drip Championship の審査員も務めるヘッドロースターの中村圭太(ケイタ)がコーヒー豆の焙煎・クオリティチェックを行っています。
ファクトリー内には最新の熱風式焙煎機ローリングや NASA の技術を用いたドリップマシンの他、高い品質を管理するための様々な機器を導入しています。現在の焙煎機を取り入れるにあたり、お客様に最高の美味しさをお届けするため、それまでに培ってきた独自の焙煎理論を一から構築しなおすことを決意しました。
▼Three characteristics let you know it’s LiLo's by your first sip.
At LiLo Coffee Factory, which opened in August 2020, head roaster Keita Nakamura, who is a judge for the Japan Hand Drip Championship, roasts and checks the quality of coffee beans. In addition to the modern hot-air roaster Loring and the fully automatic drip machine which is developed using NASA technology, various kinds of equipment are used to maintain high-quality management in the factory. We have decided to touch up our original roasting theory from scratch to deliver the best taste of coffee by installing the new roasting machine. Not only relying on craftsmanship based on their sensibility but also a roasting profile can also be constructed through data management to bring out the maximum potential of the beans, which allows them to be roasted stably. Keita's great control and his roasting skill from extensive experience, combined with the latest technology, makes it possible for us to pursue the highest quality of coffee ever.
“First impact”, “Potential of ingredients” and “Sweetness” are surprising pieces you can feel to make many fans say “I can see it's LiLo's coffee when I sip it.”