-大阪工作所 川田洋平さん-
A Fast and Helpful Manufacturing Scene
- Yohei Kawata of Osaka Kosakusho -


世の中には、普段は注目されないけれど、実はスゴい人や仕事がたくさんある。今回取り上げるのは、工場密度日本一の東大阪市。その中でも「株式会社 大阪工作所」は、大阪人の目立ちたがり屋なイメージとは対照的に、僕たちの生活を陰から支えてくれる縁の下の力持ちだった。

In this world, there are many remarkable people and jobs that usually go unnoticed. This time, we are focusing on Higashi-Osaka City, which has the highest density of factories in Japan. Among them is "Osaka Kosakusho Co., Ltd." Contrary to the flashy image often associated with people from Osaka, this company works behind the scenes, quietly supporting our daily lives. 

髪の毛より細かく 空より高い
Finer Than a Hair, Higher Than the Sky


Osaka Kosakusho is a manufacturing company that produces industrial parts, specialized machines, and "jigs" essential for efficient mass production. "We make various items, from car parts to components of machines that print labels on PET bottles. Almost everything around us is an industrial product, so it's safe to say that small and medium-sized companies in Higashi-Osaka are always involved in their creation," says the company's president, Yohei Kawata.




Osaka Kosakusho's strength lies in its high-precision manufacturing technology, capable of working to tolerances as fine as 1/80th the thickness of a human hair. The company directly collaborates with major players in the aerospace industry, producing parts for jet wings and H2 rockets. From everyday items to air travel, Osaka Kousakusho's components are integral to many aspects of our lives. 




Fast and Helpful Professionals



Osaka Kosakusho often collaborates with nearby small and medium-sized enterprises instead of handling all the work in-house. In Higashi-Osaka, which boasts the highest concentration of factories with diverse specialties in Japan, it's possible to delegate tasks to other companies: "Let's leave this to Company A and that to Company B." "It's faster and results in higher quality products when we share tasks based on our strengths. The companies we work with profit, we profit, and the customers get affordable products. It's a win-win-win situation."

Customers want parts immediately, and Osaka Kousakusho, eager to help even with requests outside their specialty, makes it happen. This proactive exchange of various technologies developed by each company fosters new innovations. Over decades, Higashi-Osaka has nurtured a positive relationship of "fast and helpful" collaboration.


Diligent Work Step by Step


 Since its founding in 1939, Osaka Kosakusho has supported our daily lives with its precise craftsmanship. For over 20 years, they have been hosting vocational experiences for public high school and junior high school students, factory tours for kindergarteners, and factory inspections from all over the world through JICA. "It's challenging, but with the declining birthrate, we strive to spark interest in manufacturing from a young age. Even if they don't end up working for us, as long as they work at any factory in Higashi-Osaka, we can maintain this manufacturing town."


川田さんの話からは、人々の仕事や生活の基盤をつくる仕事への誇りと自負が垣間見える。LiLo Coffee Roastersも、「楽しいコーヒー」を大阪から世界中に拡げようとしている一方で、メディア業界やIT業界など複数の大手企業に、社員がオフィスで飲むコーヒーを供給している。この記事を読んでくれたあなたの日常にも、大阪工作所の部品やリロのコーヒーが潜んでいるかもしれない。僕たちの仕事のふだんは表に出ない部分が、なんだかとても誇らしくなった。

From Yohei Kawata's words, you can sense his pride and confidence in the work that forms the foundation of people's jobs and lives. At LiLo Coffee Roasters, we aim to spread "enjoyable coffee" from Osaka to the world while also supplying coffee to employees at several major companies in the media and IT industries. The parts made by Osaka Kosakusho or the coffee from LiLo might be a part of your daily life as you read this article. Knowing that our work, though often behind the scenes, has an impact makes me feel incredibly proud.



 MONOZUKURI blendができるまで


A Solid, dependable backbone!
A Blend that shines with the teamwork of skilled, helpful artisans.


口達者な商売人だけが、大阪人ではありません!中小企業の町工場が密集する大阪には、まじめでおせっかいな技術者がたくさんいます。専門技術を持つエンジニアたちが協力しながら、客のせっかちなお願いに驚きのスピードで応えていきます。 “歯ブラシからロケットまで”が彼らのキーフレーズ。「会社の垣根をこえてでも、依頼主の希望を叶えてあげたい!」と人情に厚くおせっかいな大阪人だからこそ、なんでも作れてしまうのです。

Not all Osakans are witty merchants! Osaka, with its concentration of small and medium-sized factories, is home to many diligent and helpful engineers. These specialists work together to respond to customers' urgent requests with astonishing speed. Their motto is "From toothbrushes to rockets." Driven by their warm-heartedness and eagerness to help, Osakans go above and beyond to fulfill clients' needs, often collaborating across company boundaries to make anything possible.







①Highly skilled and dedicated to their work

②Supporting our lives behind the scenes

③Remarkable teamwork

④Eager to go above and beyond to meet requests




A rich base that supports the foundation of flavor, paired with impactful notes that work in perfect harmony. We've crafted a taste that embodies the helpful and reliable nature of Osakans. Before diving into team projects, strengthen your camaraderie by sharing this blend and chatting with your colleagues.