-山野酒造 山野久幸さん-
Delicious Sake from Osaka, Kurawanka!
- Hisayuki Yamano of Yamano Sake Brewery -


ある日、近所の酒屋さんで「HIRAKATA SAKE」「くらわんか」と記されたシンプルなラベルの日本酒が目にとまり買ってみた。ラベルの裏には「交野市 山野酒造」の文字。大阪市と京都を結ぶのどかな枚方・交野エリアで、地酒が造られているとは知らなかった!


One day, at a local liquor store, I noticed a simple label on a bottle of sake that read "HIRAKATA SAKE" and "Kurawanka." I decided to buy it. On the back of the label, it said "Yamano Sake Brewery, Katano City." I had no idea that local sake was being made in the peaceful Hirakata-Katano area, which connects Osaka City and Kyoto!

When I shook the bottle, the Kurawanka sake turned milky white. It had a slight effervescence and a rich, gentle sweet-sourness, reminiscent of a perfectly ripe melon. I was amazed by how fruity this sake was! To learn more, I took the Keihan train to visit Yamano Sake Brewery and talk with the representative, Hisayuki Yamano.



Sake Made from Local Rice



Yamano Sake Brewery is a historic sake brewery in the Kita-Kawachi area, surrounded by the Yodo River and mountains in the northeastern part of Osaka. Established at the end of the Edo period, the brewery is known for its main brand, "Katano Sakura," and collaborates with the local university in Katano City and an old liquor store in Neyagawa City to produce sake rooted in the local culture. Hisayuki Yamano shared, "We might be going against the trend, but most of our sake is made with minimal intervention. We focus on preserving the natural flavor and freshness of the sake."

I asked Mr. Yamano about the Kurawanka sake that had surprised me. "Kurawanka is a symbol of Hirakata, and we decided to revive it for modern times." A symbol of Hirakata? What exactly is Kurawanka?




The Kurawanka Spirit Woven in Hirakata




"Kurawanka" is a phrase in Kawachi dialect that means "Give it a try!" or "Eat up!" During the Edo period, Osaka, known as "the nation's kitchen," was a commercial hub where goods from all over Japan gathered. It was connected to Kyoto, a city rich in culture and craftsmanship, by a well-traveled highway. Located halfway between Kyoto and Osaka, Hirakata flourished as a post town filled with inns and teahouses where travelers could rest.

When passenger boats called "Sanjukkoku-bune" began traveling up and down the Yodo River between Fushimi in Kyoto and Osaka, locals in Hirakata would row out to these boats and loudly hawk their goods with cries of "Mochi kurawanka! Sushi kurawanka! Sake nomankai!" which means "Eat some mochi! Try some sushi! Drink some sake!" This aggressive salesmanship gave rise to the term "Kurawanka-bune," making it a local specialty.

Initially, I was startled by the story of Kurawanka-bune's overly assertive sales tactics to first-time customers. However, I realized this might be a typical Osaka way of warmly welcoming people and doing business by quickly bridging the gap between seller and buyer. Come to think of it, I bought the Kurawanka sake because the liquor store owner confidently told me, "You have to try this; it's a sure thing!"



Enthusiastically Sharing the Tradition


現代の大阪には関西国際空港という、世界と日本各地をつなぐ大きな玄関口がある。大阪・ミナミといえば、ホテルや飲食店、娯楽施設が街にひしめいているさまは、まるで現代版の宿場町のようだ。LiLo Coffee Roastersにも、世界中のお客さんがコーヒーを楽しみに足を運んでくれる。僕たちも大阪のコーヒーロースターとして、くらわんか舟の売り子のようにコーヒーの楽しさを前のめりに伝えていこう。これを読んでいるあなたも、隣の人と大阪ブレンドを一緒に楽しんで、輪を拡げてもらえると嬉しいな。

It is highly significant that Yamano Sake Brewery, with its long history in Hirakata and Katano, has revived the Kurawanka spirit in their sake. "We reflect on the methods of the past and use Hinohikari rice grown by local farmers in Hirakata, which can also be eaten as table rice. By using a rare yeast and producing it as a lightly cloudy sake, we've created a drink that's not overly refined but offers a familiar sweetness and a wine-like acidity."

Modern Osaka boasts Kansai International Airport, a major gateway connecting the world with Japan. The bustling streets of Osaka's Minami area, packed with hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities, resemble a contemporary version of a post town. At LiLo Coffee Roasters, we also welcome customers from all over the world who come to enjoy our coffee. As an Osaka-based coffee roaster, we aspire to share the joy of coffee with the same enthusiasm as the Kurawanka-bune vendors. We hope that you, the reader, will enjoy Osaka Blend with those around you and help spread the joy even further.





KURAWANKA blendができるまで 


A bittersweetness flows boldly into your mouth!
A blend overflowing with the bold and assertive hospitality of people of Osaka.



During the Edo period, local farmers would approach passenger boats coming down the Yodo River from Kyoto in their small boats. They would shout, "Do you want some food? How about some sake?" They were assertive in their sales, even if the customers were high-ranking samurai. These farmers would sell handmade sushi and mochi with their dialect, creating a unique experience on the Yodo River. This confident and forward approach is still  a hallmark of Osaka hospitality! A visit to the shopping streets of Osaka will quickly show you that this spirited attitude remains unchanged.







①Bold and assertive

②Surprisingly powerful

③Attention-grabbing savvy

④Proudly local



Three types of beans, each roasted to a completely different degree, are blended with a keen understanding of their individual characteristics. The result is a robust, almost aggressively flavorful coffee that is part of its charm. You can almost hear a cheerful shout from the cup: ‘Try our coffee!’