





LiLo Coffee Facoryスタッフのリンといつもの様にニュークロップのカッピングをしていて、この豆と出逢いました。ちょうどバレンタインデーが近づいていたこともあって、「もしバレンタインに間に合うならこの豆めちゃくちゃピッタリで最強だよね!」と2人でテンション上がりまくっていました。







This is quintessential "infused coffee". The moment you sip it, you're hit with the rich aroma of oak barrels and a lavish sweetness reminiscent of a fondant chocolate generously sprinkled with vanilla essence.

While barrel aging, where roasted beans are aged in barrels, is common, the method of immersing the green beans in barrels right from processing is unique to the innovative La Loma farm under Rodrigo's direction.

I vividly remember deciding to handle these beans in January 2024. Lyn from the LiLo Coffee Factory and I were doing our usual new crop cupping when we stumbled upon these beans. With Valentine's Day approaching, we got super excited, thinking, "If we can get these out by Valentine's, they’d be perfect and unbeatable!" Although we didn’t make it for Valentine’s, we finally released them, and they've turned out to be a coffee with tremendous impact.

Everyone who tries it asks, "What did you put in this?!" But it’s genuinely just black coffee. This coffee embodies LiLo Coffee’s belief in exploring the vast potential of coffee. We want to enjoy it in all its breadth!

Since there isn’t a large quantity, please hurry and give it a try!