English Below.
むしろ、リロが創業以来一貫して持ち続けているのは”Small is better”、「小さい方がいいよね」という考え方です。周りの人を大切に、手の届く範囲から世界を面白く変えていく。その過程で、ワクワクをひとつずつ形にしてきました。
photo: Yohei Shimada
そして、“Small is better”を大切にしながらもリロが店舗数を増やしてきたのには理由があります。私たちは日常のあらゆる場面でコーヒーを飲んでいますが、気候や時間帯、体の状態によって、1杯のコーヒーに求めるものは多様に変化します。コーヒー自体を味わいたい時もあれば、誰かとおしゃべりするお供にコーヒーが欲しい時もあります。
その時の気分に合わせて気まぐれで自由な楽しみ方ができるよう、リロコーヒーは色々なカタチの「遊び場」を一つ一つ作ってきました。LiLo Coffee Roasters、リロ珈琲喫茶、LiLo Coffee Factory、そしてLiLo Coffee OnlineShop。これらの4つの「遊び場」は、ラインナップからサービスのスタイルまで、それぞれ全く異なる視点でコーヒーと向き合っています。
▼The fun of coffee will never be narrowed even if you deepen it, and the connection with people won’t fade even if you spread it out.
LiLo Coffee started in 2014 as a small coffee stand. We have always been looking for something fun and now we have got three branches and an online shop. However, we have not aimed to expand our business. Rather than that, what LiLo has kept since its founding is the idea of “small is better”. Think and take care of people surrounding us, and change the world from LiLo's tiny community. In the process, our excitement has been shaped bit by bit. There is a reason why LiLo increased the number of stores against our philosophy “small is better”. We drink coffee in daily life, but depending on the climate, the time and your condition, what you expect from a cup of coffee is varied. Sometimes you just want to taste coffee itself, but sometimes you want to have a coffee while having a chat with someone. To choose the suitable place to have coffee according to your mood, LiLo Coffee has created different styles of “playgrounds” one by one. LC Roasters, LC Kissa, LC Factory, and our online shop. Each of these “playgrounds” have coffee from a completely different perspective, from line-up to service style. The fun of coffee will never be narrowed even if you deepen it, and the connection with people won’t fade even if you spread it out. Going back and forth between the four “playgrounds”, you can enjoy coffee and life in endless ways. There are no rules or restrictions on how you enjoy LiLo Coffee. Let's have fun whenever you want.