-楽屋A 加藤進之介さん-
Supporting the "Comedy Town"
- Shinnosuke Kato of Dressing Room A -
休日の朝、コーヒーを淹れ終わってテレビを点けると、芸人さんが大阪のバーでロケをしている様子が流れてきた。なになに、お笑い好きのためのバー?お笑い芸人はタダ同然で何杯でも飲める? 一風変わったバー「舞台袖」は、なんとLiLo Coffee Roastersから徒歩5分の近さ。しかも店主の加藤さんは僕と同じ大学の先輩だった。加藤さんを突撃取材すると、「お笑いのまち大阪」を支える人たちの熱い奮闘を聞くことができた。
One weekend morning, after brewing my coffee and turning on the TV, I saw a show featuring comedians filming at a bar in Osaka. A bar for comedy lovers? Comedians can drink for almost nothing? This unique bar, "Butaisode," is just a five-minute walk from LiLo Coffee Roasters. To top it off, the owner, Shinnosuke Kato, is a senior from my university. When I interviewed Kato-san, I learned about the passionate efforts of those who support "Comedy Town Osaka."
Starting a Bar for Comedy
Shinnosuke Kato is a man with a deep passion for comedy. He once aspired to be a comedian himself, delaying his university graduation to train at a comedy school. Even after securing a job in the corporate world, Kato-san continued to nurture his love for comedy. He eventually left his corporate job to create the bar "Butaisode," the place that had amazed me when I saw it on TV.
At "Butaisode," comedy live shows are held, and part of the sales from food and drinks enjoyed by the audience after the shows goes to the comedians as payment. "I always wanted to create a space where comedy lovers could gather and talk, and most importantly, I wanted to help comedians make a living," Kato-san explained. In 2022, he opened the live house "Dressing Room A" to support amateur comedians, including students and working adults, as well as talented comedians who are not affiliated with major agencies. He continues to develop various live show projects to support these performers.
Will Comedians Disappear from Osaka?
Shinnosuke Kato is committed to making Osaka his base because he "didn't want his hometown to lose its sense of humor." Lose its humor? What does that mean? "Currently, the epicenter of comedy is not Osaka but Tokyo. There's a huge gap in the number of talent agencies, theaters, and live shows being organized. This causes a steady flow of comedians from Osaka to Tokyo in search of opportunities. I want comedy to thrive in Osaka," Kato-san explained. I had always thought of Osaka as the home of comedy, but the reality is quite challenging.
Until the Streets Are Filled with Laughter
"My goal is to see many comedy live shows being held in Osaka. To attract talent to Osaka, I need to prove that comedy live houses can be a successful business here. The situation is tough, but some comedians find it more interesting to face challenges and help run the live house while honing their craft," Kato-san explained.
Listening to Kato-san's passionate efforts to revitalize Osaka through his love for comedy reminded me of our mission at LiLo Coffee Roasters. We aim to bring joy and relaxation with our delicious coffee, but unfortunately, Kato-san isn't much of a coffee drinker. Even so, as fellow enthusiasts dedicated to making Osaka more fun, I hope we can collaborate on something exciting together someday.
OWARAI blendができるまで
Osaka's laughter is energetic and crisp, with a hint of a delightful roasted aroma—
lively blend full of Osaka's humor.
Osakans have a passion for making people laugh. Always on the lookout for opportunities to crack a funny joke, this love for humor is deeply rooted in the city's history. During the Edo period, Osaka was known as "Tenka no Daidokoro" (The Nation's Kitchen) because it was the central hub for goods and information from all over Japan. Business negotiations were conducted everywhere, and to smoothly interact with new acquaintances, Osaka merchants developed the technique of weaving humor into their conversations. This knack for adding a touch of humor or a punchline to everyday conversations has been passed down through the generations.

①Crisp, bright, and energetic
②Osaka, a bustling hub visited by diverse people
③Using humor to bridge the gap with others
④Preferred to be 'funny' rather than 'strange'
Starting with beans that have a gentle sweetness and a soft impression, we mix them delicately with unique origins. The first sip bursts with a bright and interesting flavor, followed by a comforting aftertaste. Before you know it, you might find yourself equipped with the humor of an Osaka comedian!