English Below.
Our mission at LiLo Coffee is not just to share the greatness of coffee itself. In fact, in a way, we see coffee as merely a means to an end. How can coffee make life more fun and interesting? This is what we constantly think about. That's why we are so particular about the quality of our coffee, which is the seed of enjoyment that sparks the reaction, "Wow, this is delicious!" We set strict standards for every step from green beans to the final cup, making choices that ensure the best taste. On top of that, we continuously ask ourselves: Is our coffee providing a one-way experience of enjoyment? Is someone feeling left out in the process? Are we offering a wide range of enjoyment options that allow for free engagement based on mood and preference? Are people of different races, religions, and beliefs able to participate and enjoy together?
"Enjoyment," "diversity," and "connection" are three principles that LiLo Coffee has cherished since its founding. We continue to take on challenges to maximize the positive power of specialty coffee and spread a bit of excitement around the world.