English Below.
私たちは、創業以来いくつものステップを一歩ずつ踏みしめながら、コーヒーのおもしろさ、そしておいしいコーヒーが人をつなげていく楽しさを伝えてきました。困難に直面することもありますが、挑戦を繰り返す中でリロを愛してくださる多くの方々に出会い、人生を楽しく変えるコーヒーのパワーを実感すると共に、たくさんの気づきを得られました。LiLo Coffee Roastersではお客様の「好き」を発掘しコーヒーの可能性に気づく場として、これまでに数えきれないほどの方々と交流を重ねてきました。リロ珈琲喫茶では、より深く一杯の珈琲に向き合える環境を徹底的に作り込み、「飲み物」を超えた文化的な嗜好品としての価値を感じる体験をご提供しています。LiLo Coffee Factoryでは全てのコーヒー体験の基盤となる焙煎のクオリティを追求し、現在もリロコーヒーのポテンシャルを向上させ続けています。
Since our founding, we have steadily taken each step to share the fun of coffee and the joy of how delicious coffee can bring people together. While we have faced challenges, we have met many who love LiLo and have experienced the power of coffee to transform lives, gaining many insights along the way. At LiLo Coffee Roasters, we have interacted with countless people, discovering their preferences and helping them realize the potential of coffee. At LiLo Coffee Kissa, we have created an environment where one can deeply engage with a single cup of coffee, offering an experience that transcends a mere beverage and highlights its cultural value. At LiLo Coffee Factory, we pursue the highest quality in roasting, continuously enhancing the potential of LiLo Coffee.
Where there is "delicious," there is "fun." When people taste something delicious, they naturally smile and feel compelled to share that joy with those around them. This feeling of happiness is contagious and leads to the next "delicious!" In this way, a single cup of coffee has the potential to spark a positive cycle in life. We have a vision for the future.
One of our goals is the democratization of specialty coffee. With your support, the circle of delicious coffee has been gradually expanding. But we want to bring excitement to even more people's lives through coffee. We are challenging ourselves to create more entry points for people to encounter specialty coffee and to expand the "types of fun" that coffee can bring. We blend coffee with Japanese traditions, connect coffee with Osaka's specialties, culture, and famous products, collaborate with apparel makers to combine fashion and coffee, create coffee & sauna goods in collaboration with department stores, launch "traveling coffee" projects with luxury hotels, and even host coffee exhibitions at MUJI. We will connect coffee with seemingly unrelated things and keep creating fun until it becomes fascinating. By continuously evolving our foundation of delicious coffee, we aim to bring that first sip to the farthest reaches. If this challenge bears fruit, specialty coffee will expand in unprecedented ways.
There are many more ways to enjoy coffee and connect through it. With our flexible thinking and inherent drive, we will design a more interesting daily life. Let's enjoy a life with coffee together!
photo: Kizuka Kunio
photo: Nitta Sayaka