



アピアランスやフレーバーや固定観念だけで判断すると見誤る。そんなことを教えてくれたのがコロンビアのゲイシャだ。このラ エストレージャ ゲイシャは、最高に “ゲイシャ”している。見た目はコロンと丸みを帯びていて、従来のパナマ由来のゲイシャとは似ても似つかぬ姿。ただ、口の中に広がる抜群のフローラル感とレモンキャンディーを頬張った様な心地良い甘酸っぱさは、ど真ん中のゲイシャのそれである。


LiLo Coffee Roasters・リロ珈琲喫茶には今、3種類のゲイシャをご用意しています。色んなパターンのゲイシャをぜひお楽しみください。


The first time I tasted a Colombian Geisha was about 7 or 8 years ago, and it truly surprised me. It was unlike any Geisha I had ever tasted before. It had a noticeable body, was juicy, and the balance was more about sweetness than flavor. The beans were so round that, had I not been told, I wouldn't have believed they were Geisha. It was quite confusing.

Variety in coffee is deep and fascinating. To lump everything under "Geisha" oversimplifies the immense variations it encompasses. There are inherited characteristics across generations, and the specific microclimate, or terroir, of a region greatly influences numerous factors.

Judging solely on appearance, flavor, or preconceptions can lead to misunderstandings. That’s what the Colombian Geisha taught me. This La Estrella Geisha is quintessentially "Geisha." Its appearance is plump and rounded, very different from the traditional Geisha originating from Panama. However, the outstanding floral notes and the delightful sweet-sourness, like lemon candy, are exactly what you’d expect from a Geisha variety. That's what makes coffee so fascinating. The way it continues to deliver this flavor combination across generations makes me eager to keep exploring Geisha varieties.

We currently offer three types of Geisha. I invite you to enjoy the various profiles of Geisha that we have available.