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It's undeniable that Asian coffee still has a latecomer status in the world of specialty coffee. Being from Japan, an Asian country, that kind of stings. There are plenty of fantastic coffees in Asia, and I’m eager to see more top-quality beans produced, which are, in fact, already happening. I want to challenge the stereotype that "Asian coffee isn’t top-tier."

That's why finding these beans made me incredibly happy. I had never encountered such a fruity and clean coffee produced with the Sumatran wet-hulling method and from Mandheling. Indonesia is amazing, and I want to hype up Asia even more! That was my initial impression six months ago when I first tasted this coffee sample.

That one cup sparked my interest in the village of Pollung and fueled my desire to delve deeper into the Sumatran roast method. I felt the full potential of Mandheling and Indonesia. The name "Seribu Raja" is cool, too, meaning the king (Raja) of a thousand (Seribu).

These beans significantly changed how I view Indonesia. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Yamamoto from across the sea and Johan from CBB for introducing me to these precious beans.