五感で季節を愉しむ、2024年のシーズナルブレンド。2月は【雪消 ゆきげ】です。
This February's seasonal blend is "Yukigae Yukigae", which means "snow disappears".
Snow is expressed by coffee. It's like the snow is disappearing, with the brightness of tomorrow. I was shaking with excitement.
It is the true joy and essence of blending, and although it was difficult, the process of making it was a lot of fun.
This time, I combined four different beans in the blend, but the key is Brazil Tomio Fukuda. This is the final piece that I fell in love with. At first glance, the flavor seems to be composed of only light roasted beans, but the essence of the Brazil is what gives the blend its lively, snow-melted earthiness, and it is a wonderful combination that brings the whole thing together. Every time I have a good encounter with a specialty blend, it's a LiLo blend, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it too. Enjoy this month!