Niguse Gemedaさんのコーヒーは、今年で使い始めて3年目になりますね。

彼は、言わずもがな、エチオピア Cup Of Excellenceの初年度チャンピオンになり、一躍脚光を浴びた農園主さんです。


その年、COEとは別のロットの豆を用意してくれていて、沢山の人にNiguse Gemeda農園のコーヒー飲んで欲しいという心意気を感じて嬉しかったことを覚えています。







This is the third year we have been using Niguse Gemeda's coffee.
He is the owner of the farm that, as I don't have to tell you, was the champion of the Ethiopian Cup Of Excellence in its first year, and he has been in the limelight.

That year, he prepared a different lot of beans from the COE, and I remember how happy I was to see his spirit of wanting many people to drink Niguse Gemeda's coffee.

The floral flavor is the terroir of the Sidama area of Ethiopia. The firm sweetness that comes from careful refinement and fine harvesting.

This is a good bean that shows what high quality Ethiopia is all about. We feel that this year's crop is better than ever.
We hope that many people will enjoy our beans. We roast carefully, simply and meticulously, with the aim of bringing out the best of the ingredients.

Sold Out
Unit Price

Size: 50g

Grind: Whole Bean

Only -50 left!

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