GUATEMALA Calahute Parainema Anaerobic Fermentation

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Size: 50g

Grind: Whole Bean

 【Cupping Comment】

① Cinnamon flavor that spreads from mouth to nose at once

② Sweetness of baked apple and vanilla

③ Lingering aftertaste like licking ginger syrup for a long time



【Region】La Democracia, Huehuetenango

【Farm】Calahute / Anzueto Family


【Variety】 Parainema

【Process】Anaerobic Fermentation

【Roast Level】 2 Light Roast

【Flavor】  cinnamon, baked apple, vanilla, ginger, syrup


【From Barista】

 【Recommended Brew Method】

Espresso・V60・AeroPress ・American Press・Cold Brew 

Start date of handling】 2024, 4/11

We ship coffee beans within 7 days of roasting.  

About the beans, stickers and flavor illustrations that arrive 



 ◉Calahute 農園





Calahute Farm has been carefully maintained by the Anzueto family for three generations since 1952. Located in La Democracia, a mountainous region along the border with Mexico, Calahute Farm has over a half-century of history. Currently, on its vast 220 hectares, it cultivates various coffee varieties such as Parainema, Catuai, Catucai, Bourbon, and Pacamara. The farm benefits from a warm climate, adequate rainfall, and fertile soil, ideal for coffee production.

"Practicing environmentally friendly agriculture" and "Producing flavorful, high-quality coffee" remain core policies at Calahute Farm, upheld through generations.

◉生産処理|Anaerobic Fermentation




Anaerobic fermentation has become a significant trend in the processing of specialty coffee.

Initially, the thin outer skin of the coffee bean is removed, leaving the pulp (known as mucilage, which is sticky and contains sweetness) with the beans. This mucilage significantly impacts the coffee's flavor. In this process, parchment coffee, which still has a thin layer of skin and is rich in mucilage, is placed in a sealed tank to ferment in an oxygen-free environment. This anaerobic fermentation allows the mucilage to penetrate further into the coffee beans, enhancing their distinctive flavors. Carbon dioxide is produced during this process, which helps push the mucilage's components into the beans.




Essential to this method are

Essential to this method are high-quality, fully ripe coffee cherries. Cherries selected from two different lots must be of the highest quality. If the cherries are of inferior quality, the mucilage will also be of lower quality, and the expected flavor profile will not be achieved.

The coffee produced through this unique fermentation process possesses a distinctive cinnamon-like flavor. Enjoy the traditional cinnamon flavor characteristic of the anaerobic process!