About the beans, stickers and flavor illustrations that arrive
❶ Origin
❷ Location
❸ Farm, Washing Station, Producer
❹ Altitude
❺ Processing
❻ Varieties
❼ Roasted date
【Beans Card】
① Flavor image
To simplify the coffee's flavor, it's likened to fruits and chocolate.
The taste is illustrated to make it more comprehensible, but these are not added flavors; they are inherent in the beans themselves.
② Origin
③ Farm, variety or process
④ Yellow line: Light roast
Red line: Medium roast
Purple line: Dark roast
⑤ Balance of acidity & body

⑥ Flavor
As the bar transitions from red on the left to blue on the right, the temperature decreases. Enjoy the varying flavors across different temperature zones.