English Below.
親しみやすい空気感とバリスタの豊富な知識量に裏付けられたカウンセリングによって、国内外問わず多くの方が訪れる人気店になりました。クチコミサイトで大阪1位、Googleでは数千件の高評価レビュー数、海外メディアではThe New YorkTimesにも掲載されるなど、各方面で好評価をいただいています。
At this store, where Keita, who is responsible for all the roasting at LiLo, also stands behind the counter, you can experience the expanding possibilities of coffee within you. With over 20 varieties of unique coffee beans, ranging from light to dark roasts, our professional baristas fine-tune each recipe to brew the perfect cup that will bring the most joy to the customer in front of them. For those who are unsure of what to choose, our baristas engage in conversation to recommend the perfect bean, helping them discover their hidden preferences. It is our pride to hear customers say, "I started to love coffee after drinking LiLo's coffee!"
The friendly atmosphere and the baristas' extensive knowledge have made this a popular spot visited by many, both domestically and internationally. Ranked number one in Osaka on review sites, with thousands of high ratings on Google, and featured in overseas media like The New York Times, we are highly regarded across various platforms.
At our lively LCR, where consultations on coffee brewing and chats with regulars are always happening, many people today will find their unique "likes" in a cup of coffee and be excited about new possibilities.