English Below.
LiLo Coffee Roastersが「コーヒーの楽しさに気づく」場であるなら、リロ珈琲喫茶は「珈琲の深みに思いを馳せる」空間です。珈琲というどこまでも魅力的な液体にじっくり向き合いたいお客様が訪れる、熱心な常連様の多さが特徴の店舗でもあります。
LiLo Coffee Kissa is the perfect place to surrender yourself to the leisurely flow of time and savor the profound world of coffee. Taking over a
46-year-old coffee shop after its closure, we have reconstructed the traditional Japanese kissaten in line with LiLo's philosophy, creating an environment where you can fully experience the sensual allure of coffee with all your senses. Every aspect of the interior, furniture, utensils, and tools has been meticulously chosen to enhance your experience, and the service is both friendly and attentive.
In this serene space, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can enjoy the various expressions of a single cup of coffee brewed using five different extraction methods. One of our special offerings is the "Siphon x Geisha," featuring the renowned Geisha variety brewed with a siphon. This exceptional cup is made possible by our in-house siphonists, who have competed in national championships.
Classic kissaten staples like cream soda and our exclusive non-alcoholic cocktails served only in the evening have many dedicated fans.
If LiLo Coffee Roasters is a place to discover the joy of coffee, then LiLo Coffee Kissa is a space to contemplate its depths. It is a haven for those who want to deeply engage with this endlessly fascinating beverage, and it is known for its loyal and passionate Regulars.