UGANDA Rwenzori Donkey Natural

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Size: 50g

Grind: Whole Bean

Cupping comment

① The juicy flavors of pomegranate and fig spread softly.

② A dense sweetness reminiscent of raisins and strawberry jam.

③ A toffee-like roasted sweetness and aroma leave a pleasant aftertaste.


【Region Rwenzori Mountains National Park

【Altitude 1,200-1,800m

Variety】 SL14、SL28


Roast Level】1 Light roast

Flavor】 pomegranate, fig, raisin, strawberry jam, toffee

【From Barista】

It is just sweet from the first sip! It starts with a tangy sweetness like fig jam, and as it cools down a bit, it changes to a savory sweetness like toffee, and at the same time, a fruity and gentle acidity can be felt. Even those who do not like acidity can enjoy this shallow-roasted coffee with a soothing taste.

【Category】 インパクト重視の定番 (Impact - Standard)

Prepare to be amazed with our flagship standard blends, offering a striking impression and deep, rich flavors.

LiLo Coffee Roasters recommends these impactful coffees for an unforgettable experience.

Start date of handling】 2023, 3 updated!

We ship coffee beans within 7 days of roasting.  

About the beans, stickers and flavor illustrations that arrive



💡Barista's recommended recipe




ヨーロッパを中心に輸出していた農園の為、日本ではまだ少なく珍しいコーヒー です。ドンキーとは、ウガンダのロバのこと。車が入れない様な地形でコーヒーを栽培しており、チェリーの運搬をドンキーで行うことから「ドンキーナチュラル」と命名されました。

About the processing

The coffee is a rare coffee in Japan, as it was exported mainly to Europe. Donkeys are Ugandan donkeys. The coffee is grown on terrain that is inaccessible by car, and the cherries are transported by donkey, hence the name "Donkey Natural".


◉このお豆がリロに来るまでの話(by Keita Nakamura)

ウガンダのコーヒーがキテる、という話は、実は3年くらい前から、インポーター「海の向こうコーヒー 」の山本さんと交わしていました。


The story of how this bean came to Lilo (by Keita, Head roaster)

I had been talking about the potential of Ugandan coffee with Mr. Yamamoto of Umi no Mukou Coffee, an importer of Ugandan coffee, for about three years.

Mr. Yamamoto himself was aware of the high potential of Ugandan coffee, but he had not been able to purchase Ugandan coffee because of the difficulty in obtaining high quality beans from this region. While having a strong natural flavor, they can be used in a variety of ways, and can also be used as a base for blends.