GUATEMALA Finca La Labor Francisco Quezada Carbonic Maceration
- Regular
- ¥1,200
- Sale
- ¥1,200
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【Cupping Comment】
① A juicy burst of red grape and cranberry flavors.
② A gentle unfolding of cherry and red wine acidity.
③ A lingering richness of chocolate sweetness.
【Region】 Guatemala City, Guatemala Department
【Farm】Finca La Labor / Francisco Quezada
【Altitude】 1500m
【Variety】 Bourbon
【Process】 Carbonic Maceration
【Roast Level】 1 Light Roast
【Flavor】 red grape, cranberry, cherry, red wine, chocolate
【Start date of handling】 2025, 1/16
We ship coffee beans within 7 days of roasting.
About the beans, stickers and flavor illustrations that arrive
【The Story Behind Selecting This Coffee】
When we cupped the sample, the burst of flavors was astonishing—it left a lasting impression. Carbonic maceration often tends to result in pronounced fermentation notes, but this coffee stood out with its delicate mouthfeel and clean aftertaste. This level of refinement is a testament to the meticulous care taken during the processing stages.
【インポーター SHU・HA・RI】
SHU・HA・RI の辻本さんとヘッドロースターの中村圭太は、8年以上にもなる長いお付き合いをさせていただいています。
SHU・HA・RI さんは、私たちが厚い信頼を置いているインポーターの一人です。
辻本さんが直接グアテマラに渡り、数々の素晴らしい農園との信頼関係を築いてきたからこそ、SHU・HA・RI さんでしか出会えない高品質な豆がたくさんあります。今回のFinca La Laborもその一つです。
SHU・HA・RI さんの特徴は、とにかく生豆の品質にこだわり抜いていらっしゃること。妥協は一切感じられません。オファーサンプルとアライバルの入港品に大きな差が出た場合、徹底的に調査して、先頭に立って謝罪に来られたこともありました。間違いのない生豆の選定とプロフェッショナルな対応で、これからも長きにわたりお世話になりたいと思っています。
[Importer: SHU・HA・RI]
We've had the privilege of working with SHU・HA・RI, led by Mr. Tsujimoto, for over eight years. He is one of the importers we trust most deeply.
Mr. Tsujimoto personally travels to Guatemala to build strong, genuine relationships with remarkable coffee farms. Thanks to his dedication, SHU・HA・RI consistently brings us access to exceptional beans that simply can't be found elsewhere. Finca La Labor, featured in this release, is a shining example of their unparalleled selection.
What sets SHU・HA・RI apart is their unwavering commitment to quality. They accept no compromises when it comes to green coffee. In fact, there have been occasions where discrepancies arose between the offer samples and the arrival shipments. Mr. Tsujimoto took it upon himself to conduct a thorough investigation and personally addressed the matter with sincere apologies.
Their meticulous selection process and professional conduct ensure that we can continue to rely on them for years to come. It is a partnership we value immensely.
熱心なコーヒー愛好家であるフランシスコ モンテネグロ ヒロンさんは、1980 年代からこの農園の管理をはじめました。
現在、ヒロンさんの孫であるフランシスコ・ケサダ・モンテネグロさん(愛称チェスピ)が率いるこの家族の使命は、環境に優しい方法で素晴らしいコーヒーを作ることです。3 代目の農園主となったチェスピは、家族の伝統である「革新性と卓越性」を引き継いだコーヒー生産をしています。
Farm: La Labor
Francisco Montenegro Girón, a passionate coffee enthusiast, began managing this farm in the 1980s.
Today, the mission of this family-led operation is carried forward by Francisco Quezada Montenegro, affectionately known as "Chespi," the grandson of Mr. Girón. As the third-generation owner of the farm, Chespi upholds the family tradition of "innovation and excellence" while producing exceptional coffee using environmentally friendly methods.

<Region: Guatemala City>
Guatemala City, the capital of Guatemala, is a vibrant metropolis rich in history and cultural heritage. Today, it thrives with developed sectors such as retail, finance, services, manufacturing, technology, and telecommunications.
In the past, this area was home to numerous coffee farms. However, due to urban development, La Labor Farm is now said to be the only remaining coffee farm in the region.
<Processing Method: Carbonic Maceration>
Skilled pickers handpick only the fully ripened coffee cherries. The freshly harvested cherries are placed in sealed tanks, where CO2 is injected to create a carbon dioxide-rich environment.
This CO2-rich process allows the cherries to break down different levels of pectin, often resulting in a coffee that boasts vibrant wine-like characteristics and intense red fruit aromas.