【Special Beans】PANAMA Esmeralda Jaramillo Geisha Natural (Drip Bag)

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◎ 1 Drip Bag (PANAMA Esmeralda Jaramillo Geisha Natural)

◎ 1 cup for this drip bag

【Cupping Comment】

① Jasmine and rose flavors delicately unfold.

② The acidity of peach and cranberry mixed with the aroma of chamomile tea.

③ A comforting continuation of candy and syrup sweetness.


jasmine, rose, peach, cranberry, chamomile tea, candy, syrup



【Region】Jaramillo, Boquete

【Farm】Esmeralda Jaramillo / Hacienda La Esmeralda





How to Brew Panama Esmeralda Geisha Drip Bag

Coffee is Fascinating!

LiLo Coffee Roasters celebrates its 10th anniversary on August 8, 2024.

A lot can change in ten years. How about your Coffee Life?

Think back to the coffee you drank a decade ago. Compare it to what you now consider "delicious coffee," and you might be surprised at how much your tastes have evolved.


"Delicious coffee" is not a singular concept. Preferences vary from person to person, and even for the same person, what tastes good can change depending on the time of day or the types of coffee they've had before.

Encountering specialty coffee can reveal a whole new world. What you once thought was just a bitter drink might surprise you with its fruity sweetness. A delicious light roast might make you start appreciating flavors you previously disliked, like acidity.

The more types of coffee you try, the more your definition of "delicious coffee" evolves, allowing you to enjoy a wider array of flavors. That's why we always offer a variety of coffees at LiLo Coffee Roasters—to let you explore and enjoy coffee in as many colorful ways as possible.


Delicious and calming.

Delicious and intriguing.

Delicious and shareable.

perfect for solitary indulgence.

Delicious and fun.

Delicious and exciting.


The taste of coffee is indeed colorful.

The more varieties you try, the more ways you can enjoy it.

The endless possibilities of enjoyment make coffee ever more fascinating, even after ten years!


WHY Esmeralda? WHY drip bag?

INTERVIEW with HEAD ROASTER (Keita Nakamura)

Interviewer: The Geisha variety from the Esmeralda farm in Panama is renowned in the specialty coffee world for its top-tier flavor, recognition, and luxury. The unique Esmeralda farm auction is held annually, with winning bids surpassing previous records for over 20 years. What are your thoughts on this ever-increasingly valuable coffee?

Keita: While specialty coffee is inherently delicious, the Geisha variety from the Esmeralda farm is exceptional. It's the coffee that every coffee lover dreams of tasting at least once.

But it's not just rare and high-end. Firstly, it lives up to its reputation by being extraordinarily delicious. It's important to me that this coffee isn't just enjoyable for a niche group of enthusiasts; both coffee connoisseurs and beginners can appreciate its flavor. In any field, the more you pursue something, the narrower its appeal can become. However, we want to broaden the enjoyment and excitement of delicious coffee. In that sense, the Geisha variety from the Esmeralda farm is a coffee that combines depth and accessibility. I've always wanted to work with it.

Interviewer: Why did you decide to offer it now?

Keita: As I mentioned, this coffee is a romantic and aspirational brew for many coffee lovers. It was a goal to handle it since our founding 10 years ago. However, I initially didn't want to offer it because we lacked everything needed to convey its true value. Over the past decade, we've honed our roasting and brewing techniques, creating an environment where we can bring out the beans' full potential. We've also grown our team of baristas and our customer base who enjoy LiLo Coffee. After all this time, we were finally ready to share this coffee with everyone.

Two years ago, we first offered the Geisha variety from the Esmeralda farm, but it was in a limited format, inviting a small number of customers to the store for a direct pour-over experience by me.

This coffee is so romantic and exhilarating that I wanted to share it with more people. That's why we've chosen to offer it in drip bags this time. We've prepared special cups and recipes to ensure it can be brewed perfectly without any mistakes. We hope to toast to the best cup of coffee with people around the world!


How to Brew Panama Esmeralda Geisha Drip Bag