COLOMBIA El Paraiso Pink Bourbon Double Fermentation Thermal Shock Washed

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Size: 50g

Grind: Whole Bean

3月20日 0:00~ 販売開始!

20th March 0:00~ ON SALE!

 【Cupping Comment】  

① Luscious rose and strawberry flavors.

② A creamy, yogurt-like mouthfeel with the sweetness of pineapple candy.

③ A gentle, lingering aftertaste reminiscent of a complex fruit wine.


【Origin】 Colombia

【Region】 Cauca

【Farm】 El Paraiso

【Altitude】 1960m

【Variety】 Pink Bourbon

【Process】  Double Fermentation Thermal Shock Washed

【Roast Level】  1 light roast

【Flavor】  rose, strawberry, yogurt, pineapple candy, fruits wine

Start date of handling】 2025, 3/20

We ship coffee beans within 7 days of roasting.  

About the beans, stickers and flavor illustrations that arrive 


エルパライソ農園は、いまではスペシャルティコーヒーの生産処理として大きなトレンドとなっている嫌気性発酵(Anaerobic Fermentation)やサーマルショック(Thermal Shock)を最初期に実践した先駆者の一つです。


El Paraiso farm is recognized as one of the pioneers that initially embraced processing methods like Anaerobic Fermentation and Thermal Shock, which have now become major trends in specialty coffee production.

Their philosophy is rooted in refraining from "infusion," which involves adding fruits, spices, or alcohol to the process. Instead, they focus on meticulously combining traditional fermentation techniques, continuously refining their approach. This dedication allows them to unlock the inherent fruitiness and complex flavors naturally present in coffee.


完熟したコーヒーチェリーを収穫した後、まず 48時間の発酵 を行います。この発酵は、チェリーのまま 酸素を遮断した(アナエロビック)環境 で進められます。

次に、36時間の加圧発酵 を実施。この工程でも酸素を遮断した状態を維持しながら、発酵をさらに進めていきます。

2回目の発酵では、バイオリアクター(微生物を培養する装置)で作られた培養液やトロピカルイースト(発酵を助ける酵母) を加え、より特徴的なフレーバーを引き出します。

発酵が完了した後、サーマルショック(温度変化を与える処理)を行い、発酵によって生まれた風味の前駆体を定着させます。その後、ウォッシュド(洗浄処理) を施し、余分な発酵物を取り除きます。

最後に、機械乾燥 を用いて、過発酵や酸化を防ぎながらコーヒー豆の品質を安定させます。乾燥後、基準に沿って 脱殻(外皮を取り除く工程)と 選別(セレクション) を行い、精製工程が完了します。


From Harvest to Processing: The Coffee Production Process

After harvesting fully ripe coffee cherries, the first fermentation process takes place for 48 hours. This fermentation occurs in an anaerobic environment, meaning it is carried out without oxygen.

Next, the cherries undergo a 36-hour pressurized fermentation, also conducted in an anaerobic environment to further enhance the development of flavors.

During the second fermentation, a bioreactor—a device used to cultivate microorganisms—produces a fermentation culture, which is then combined with tropical yeast to intensify the coffee's unique flavors.

After fermentation, the coffee undergoes a thermal shock treatment, a process that involves rapid temperature changes to help fix the precursor compounds responsible for flavor development. The beans are then washed (washed process) to remove any remaining fermentation residue.

Finally, the beans are carefully mechanically dried to prevent over-fermentation and oxidation while ensuring stable quality. Once dried, the coffee undergoes hulling (removal of the outer layer) and selection based on strict quality standards, completing the processing stage.