【Kissa】COLOMBIA Monteblanco Coconut Washed

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Size: 200g

Grind: Whole Bean


【Cupping Comment】   

① Intense, mouth-watering coconut flavor

② Strawberry sweetness with a pleasant gummy mouthfeel

③ Lingering sweet and sour cherry aftertaste

【Origin】 Colombia

【Region】 Huila

【Farm】 Monteblanco / Rodrigo Sánchez

【Altitude 】1730m

【Variety】Purple Caturra

【Process】 Coconut Washed 

【Roast Level】 1 Light Roast

【Flavor】 coconut, strawberry, gummies, cherry


【Recommended Brew Method】


Start date of handling】 2023, 12/28

We ship coffee beans within 7 days of roasting.  

About the beans, stickers and flavor illustrations that arrive



モンテブランコ農園は標高1,730m、Huila 県 Acevedo 市 San Adolfo 管轄のLa Tocora 村に位置しています。周辺には、国内59 か所に点在するコロンビア国立自然公園保護地域の一つであるCueva de los Guácharos 国立自然公園があり、スアザ川の谷間に近いことも特徴です。

平均気温は16℃~22℃、日照時間は年間1,700 時間で、コロンビア平均より300 時間ほど長くコーヒーの木を光に長く当てることが出来ます。




14ヘクタールの小さなモンテブランコ農園では、Geisha、Pink Bourbonなどの様々な品種を栽培しており、自社のウォッシングステーションや乾燥設備を完備しています。



コロンビア内のコンクールであるYara Champion Program 2017 にて、Bourbon-Rose という品種で優勝をものにし、翌年同じ品種でYara Champion Program 2018 の準優勝を獲得しました。更に、2019 年に行われたヨーロッパの団体が主催するRoasters Unitedという大会では、Purple Caturra Washedで優勝、2020 年にも同品種で3 位を獲得しています。



◉生産処理について|Coconut Lemonade Natural



This Coconut Lemonade Co-fermented Washed process begins with the creation of the fermentation culture that will be used. First, a mother culture was created containing microorganisms like lactobacillus and saccharomyces cerevisiae which were derived from Rodrigo’s Purple Caturra coffee cherries. 80 liters of this culture is separated to be fed with sugar, molasses, dried coconut, and concentrated citrus juice. The ingredient mixture contributes flavor to the culture, while the sweetener energizes the fermentation and brings the culture’s sugar content to a level that matches the degrees Brix of the coffee that will be processed. This initial fermentation of the mother culture takes 190 hours to reach the appropriate degrees Brix and pH value for coffee processing. 

Before being processed with the fermented culture, coffee cherries are measured for sugar content as soon as they reach the mill at Monteblanco. Cherries are then floated to remove impurities before being pulped and deposited into a 200 liter sealed tank. The 80 liter culture that was previously fermented with the fruits is added to the sealed tank, and the pulped coffee is fermented for 150 hours. During this process, the team keeps measurements to ensure that the environment doesn’t fall below 6 degrees Brix, or below a pH of 4. The coffee is then moved to the drying area, where it is dried for 2–3 days in direct sunlight and then for 15–18 days under shaded canopies until it reaches 10–11% humidity.