ETHIOPIA Karamo Coffee Niguse Gemeda Natural

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Size: 50g

Grind: Whole Bean

【Cupping Comment】

① A bright burst of acidity and sweetness, reminiscent of cranberry and black cherry.

② The muscat flavor gently lingers.

③ A rich, jam-like mouthfeel with a syrupy sweet aftertaste.


【Region】 Karamo, Bensa, Sidama

【Farm】 Niguse Gemeda Mude


【Variety】 74158

【Process】 Natural

【Roast Level】 1 Light Roast 

【Flavor】   cranberry, black cherry, muscat, jam, syrup

From Barista

A luxurious muscat flavor and refreshing aroma fill the air as you enjoy this coffee. The smooth, velvety texture adds to the experience, allowing you to savor the rich fruitiness that comes from traditional natural processing. This coffee is becoming a staple at LiLo Coffee Roasters, offering a perfect balance of fresh fruitiness and abundant sweetness.

Start date of handling】 2024, 9/12

We ship coffee beans within 7 days of roasting.  

About the beans, stickers and flavor illustrations that arrive 



待望 ニグセ・ゲメダさんのコーヒーが登場です!

LiLo Coffee Roastersでは毎年取り扱う、ニグセ・ゲメダさんのコーヒー。彼が作る、マスカットのような甘さのコーヒーが大好きな方も多いのではないでしょうか?

ゲメダさんはKaramo Coffeeのオーナーであり、3つのウォッシングステーションと5つのナチュラルプロセルの加工所を持っています。彼はエチオピアで初めて開催されたCup Of Excellenceで第1位に輝きました。

今回のロットでは特別な発酵などは加えていません。発酵槽で24時間発酵処理したのち、アフリカンベッドで2024日間天日乾燥させるシンプルな精製方法ではありますが、一つ一つの手を抜かずに精製することで、エチオピア シダモのテロワールが活かされた豊かな香味を作り出しています。

The long-awaited coffee from Niguse Gemeda has arrived!

At LiLo Coffee Roasters, we feature Niguse Gemeda's coffee every year. Many of you are probably familiar with the muscat-like sweetness his coffees offer.

Gemeda is the owner of Karamo Coffee, managing three washing stations and five natural processing facilities. He achieved first place in Ethiopia’s inaugural Cup Of Excellence competition.

For this particular lot, no special fermentation techniques were used. The beans undergo a simple yet meticulous process: 24 hours of fermentation in tanks followed by 20 to 24 days of sun-drying on African beds. By not cutting any corners, this process brings out the rich flavors of the Ethiopian Sidamo terroir, allowing its natural beauty to shine through.



繊細な風味をもたらすテロワール シダモ地区

シダマ(シダモ)はグレートリフトバレーのアワッサ湖南に位置しています。2004年にハラール、イルガチェフェと並んで、エチオピアで商標登録された3つのコーヒー産地の 1 つです。ほとんどのコーヒー生産農家は、人工肥料ではなく天然由来の肥料を使用しています。品種は 741587411074112が比較的多くみられ、小粒から中粒サイズの傾向があり、バランスの取れた酸味とボディが特徴です。 またジャスミンやベルガモット、レモンピールのような繊細な風味を感じることができます。

Terroir of Sidamo: Delicate Flavors

The Sidamo region, located near Lake Awassa in the Great Rift Valley, is one of the three coffee-producing regions in Ethiopia that received trademark recognition in 2004, alongside Harrar and Yirgacheffe. Most coffee farmers in this region use organic fertilizers derived from natural sources instead of synthetic chemicals. Commonly grown varieties include 74158, 74110, and 74112, which tend to produce small to medium-sized beans known for their balanced acidity and body. The coffee from Sidamo is also known for its delicate flavors, often featuring notes of jasmine, bergamot, and lemon peel.





Ethiopia: The Birthplace of Arabica Coffee

Ethiopia is a coffee-producing region that captivates coffee lovers worldwide with its unique and unparalleled flavors. It is the only African country with its own script, featuring unique characters resembling hieroglyphs. Its writing system, based on seven vowels, has a structure similar to Hangul, reflecting the country’s rich cultural tapestry, shaped by over 80 different ethnic groups.

Coffee trees in Ethiopia have long been grown in farmers’ gardens or deep within forests using traditional methods that have remained largely unchanged over time. However, detailed information about Ethiopia's coffee regions and producers has only become available in recent years. In 2017, reforms to the ECX (Ethiopia Commodity Exchange) allowed small private companies to engage in direct trade with international buyers, opening up access to previously unknown information about the country's coffee production.